New Polymer Clay Flower Canes Update

I have added to my inventory 5 NEW Millefiori flower canes. Most of my canes are reduced to a size which I like, it is 1.25 cm / 0.50 inch diameter, and I did the same with these new flower canes, but this time I've reduced some of the canes to a smaller diameter, gathered them as a group and created a new item in my shop for Nail Art.

The canes are already build, they have their petals gathered all around their stamen and are waiting for their transparent background to wrap them. Here are some closeups and details with their background.

This is my first group of a smaller diameter canes
they already have been sold-out, but I hope to bring new Nail-Art canes groups soon.

For more flower canes with my standard size,
see my shop section here


Have a great inspirational week guys!!!
Hugs :-) kisses