Making a collection

A few weeks ago I've made a little millefiori cane collection and the main issue was working with the colors - Turquoise and brown. While working and building this bunch of canes, I saw that the colors where blending and reflecting a nature tone, a kind of desert atmosphere to it, so I've started taking pictures here and there. I'd never intended to publish this pics, but now, when I crossed over them again I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the process. 

This is a Skinner blend of one of the canes, it reminds me of a desert view, very peaceful :)

The collection is building up.
Emphasizing the Browns and Turquoise-blues with Cream-beige and Gold.

Some of the scraps are like a desert picture :)

The canes are almost done and the collection is building up quite nicely.

and a close up

and a detail

My working space after I finished these bunch of canes



Have a warm weekend guys